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Donation Total: ₹5,100.00

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About Us

Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

A group of compassionate individuals has come together with a common purpose: to dedicate their time, resources, and expertise to extend a helping hand to women and children in need, regardless of their background, be it caste, creed, or social status. Aror Happiness Foundation has been established as a charitable trust, supported by a committed team.

The core mission of Aror Happiness Foundation is to assist children hailing from urban slums and other vulnerable communities in progressing towards a brighter future. This mission is primarily accomplished by providing access to education and healthcare resources. Aror Happiness Foundation firmly believes in equipping every child with the tools they need to shape their own destiny.

Our program is firmly rooted in the belief that every child deserves the opportunity to write their own success story. It’s disheartening to note that, every day, we lose one woman due to complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Additionally, malnutrition leads to low birth weights and poor growth, putting many children’s lives at risk, and they may not even reach their fifth birthday.

Aror Happiness Foundation is dedicated to addressing these critical issues by focusing on providing vital healthcare services. These services encompass maternal care, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, and tackling tuberculosis.

At Aror Happiness Foundation, we are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of women and children who need it the most. Our vision is a world where every child can grow up healthy, educated, and with the opportunity to chase their dreams.

Satbir Khokhra

Founder Of Aror

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A concrete help for a better and kind world


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How we work

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.


Possibility of help

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.


How we help

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.

Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

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