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Donation Total: ₹5,100.00

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Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

A group of compassionate individuals has come together with a common purpose: to dedicate their time, resources, and expertise to extend a helping hand to women and children in need, regardless of their background, be it caste, creed, or social status. Aror Happiness Foundation has been established as a charitable trust, supported by a committed team.

The core mission of Aror Happiness Foundation is to assist children hailing from urban slums and other vulnerable communities in progressing towards a brighter future. This mission is primarily accomplished by providing access to education and healthcare resources. Aror Happiness Foundation firmly believes in equipping every child with the tools they need to shape their own destiny.

Each donation is an essential help for everyone's life

New Sustainability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in magna ac tellus fringilla eleifend.


GOAL : 1340 ₹

RAISED : 0 ₹


Free Volunteering

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GOAL : 1000 ₹

RAISED : 0 ₹


Becomes a


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Donation Total: ₹5,100.00

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Help Us Change Lives

Our Services

Aror Happiness Foundation blends services and causes for holistic community upliftment, spanning education, healthcare, women's welfare, sustainability, and disaster relief.

School Uniforms

Aror Happiness Foundation ensures that every child has access to a quality education, including the provision of school uniforms for a dignified and inclusive learning environment.

Blood Camp

Aror Happiness Foundation actively organizes life-saving blood donation camps, contributing to the availability of blood and fostering a culture of voluntary donation within the community.

Business Start In Backward Area

Aror Happiness Foundation supports entrepreneurship in underserved areas, catalyzing start-ups that generate jobs and economic opportunities, fostering hope and prosperity in communities.

Sports Development

Aror Happiness Foundation passionately promotes sports development, empowering youth to excel in athletics and fostering a healthier, brighter future through sports participation.

Get in Touch With Us

    Our Services

    Aror Happiness Foundation blends services and causes for holistic community upliftment, spanning education, healthcare, women's welfare, sustainability, and disaster relief.


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    Fusce lacinia sodales gravida. Pellentesque pellentesque tristique bibendum. Morbi sagittis porttitor congue. Suspendisse varius elementum est. Phasellus dictum est ac risus posuereeg.

    Nulla molestie et nisi nec scelerisque. Mauris felis erat, sodales in pellentesque sit amet, elementum ac mi. Nulla volutpat id lorem id tempor. Aliquam sed dolor velit. Morbi lobortis nulla eu.

    Choose the perfect help plan for you

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu maximus ante, eget sollicitudin metus. Sed fringilla efficitur fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere


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